The Youth Studies Database
A specialized database on youth issues and studies, aiming to provide scientific studies and research sources focusing on the interests, issues, and problems of contemporary youth. It also offers studies on the economic, political, and social priorities of youth, as well as their perspectives on the surrounding environment in the context of societal, local, and international changes they interact with.

The ‘Youth Studies’ database addresses the following main topics
Youth’s Values of Moderation and Centrist Thinking, and Youth’s Perspective Toward Others.
Youth Trends and Opinions Towards a Diverse Social and Political Values System.
Youth Priorities and Concerns Regarding Various Economic, Social, Political, and Media Issues.
The Problems and Issues Affecting the Lives of Contemporary Youth.
Youth’s Social Interactions in the Digital Transformation and Modern Technology Environment.
Youth and Social Media and New Media Channels.
Content & Data Types
The ‘Youth Studies’ database offers diverse sources and forms of studies and research
Conference Papers & Proceedings
Books & Book Reviews
Arab Universities Theses & Dissertations.
Specialized Scientific Journals Articles
Laws, Legislations, Policies, & National Programs Targeting youth.
Decisions Issued by Arab & International Organizations Related to youth.
Arab Reviews of International Theses.
Statistical Reports
Comprehensive Coverage
The thematic coverage of the “Youth Studies” database includes a wide range of topics and fields related to youth.
- Youth Trends and Priorities
- Youth Talent and Skill Development
- Health and Youth
- National Policies and Programs for Youth
- Youth and Social Media
- Youth and the Other
- Youth Political Party Participation and Political Activities
- Poverty and Unemployment Issues
- Social Issues and Youth
- Religion and Youth
- Youth Initiatives
- Family Conflicts and Domestic Violence
- Media and Youth
- Youth Development and Training
- Sports and Youth
- Youth and Human Rights Issues
- Youth Values System
- Youth and Democracy
- Youth and Crime
- Youth Entrepreneurship and Productive Projects
- Youth Psychological and Emotional Issues
- Youth Happiness and Self-Satisfaction
- Community Development
- Values of Dialogue and Moderation
- Extremism, Terrorism, and Youth
- Family and Social Issues
- Youth and Volunteer Work
- Youth Employment Training
- Human Development
- Drug Prevention and Addiction Treatment
Features & Characteristics
Comprehensive and Diverse Content
Digital Information Environment
Continuity of Content Addition and Updates

- Universities and Higher Education Institutions.
- Digital Libraries.
- Centers for Studies and Consultations specializing in Human Resource Development, Training, and Enhancement.
- Research Centers specializing in Social and Human Studies.
- Centers for Studies focused on Psychological and Educational Affairs concerning Families and Youth.
- Civil Society Organizations and Local and Regional Organizations concerned with Youth and their Issues.
- Ministries of Youth, Family Centers, and Social Affairs Institutions.