Arabic Reviews of International Theses & Dissertations

This service presents reviews in Arabic of dissertations and/or university theses (Master’s or PhD) accepted by the best international universities in foreign countries such as: USA, Canada and UK. This service currently includes 6,100 reviews in Arabic of International academic theses and dissertations.

Expected benefits and advantages of this Service include:

  • Accessing new studies and their findings and following up the latest Academic developments in humanitarian, social and economic disciplines.
  • Enriching Arabic digital content through contributing to the preparation of summaries of international theses in Arabic.
  • Accessing the latest academic methodology frameworks in various disciplines of knowledge.
  • Facilitating access to original texts of international theses.
  • Avoiding repetition of efforts and topics in academic research which were tackled repetitively.
  • Benefiting from academic revisions in facilitating literature reviews for Arabic academic research.