Strategic Studies & International Affairs Database
This database provides specialized scientific and scholarly works in various fields of security and strategic studies at the national, regional, and international levels. This compilation of productions includes theoretical, practical, and case studies, and provides a wide range of diverse Arab scientific and research data.

Main themes
Regional and international security organizations and bodies
Terrorism, wars, and internal, regional, and international conflicts
History and development of strategic and security studies, and international relations
Concepts and theories of strategic studies and international relations
The causes of war and violence and its theories
Modern approaches to security studies
Conflicts and wars in the world and international politics
National and Arab security and the regional and international environment
Prevention of conflict and violence and an early warning system.
Role of international and regional organizations in conflict resolution and peace.
Challenges and issues of global security and peace and the sources of its threat.
تحديات وقضايا الأمن والسلام العالمي ومصادر تهديده
Content & Data Types
The database of Strategic Studies and International Affairs provides various sources and forms of research as follows
Arabic Reviews of International Theses
Statistical Reports
Conferences Papers and Proceedings
Books and Book Reviews
Arab Universities Theses
Research Journal Articles
Comprehensive Coverage
The subject coverage of the ‘Strategic Studies & International Affairs’ database
- Means of force, force, and conflict resolution
- Military power and conflict
- Economic sanctions and conflict management and resolution
- Arab Wars
- The Palestinian cause and the Arab-Israeli conflict
- Iran and the Gulf States
- Political violence
- National Security and Arab National
- USA National Security
- Security and wars in Europe
- Wars and security in Russia
- Security and conflicts in Central Asia
- Security and wars in Africa
- Diplomacy and conflict resolution
- Human Security
- Early warning systems for conflict and violence
- Arms Control
- Weapons of mass destruction
- Iran and the Arab Gulf
- Israel and Arab national security
- Curriculum and theories of international relations
- Stages of conflict and violence development
- Indicators of violence and peace
- Roots of conflicts
- Arab Food Security
- Security and wars in South Asia
- Security and conflicts in East Asia
- National security and sources of internal threats
- Human and material costs of war
- The environmental and social costs of war
- Conflict resolution methods
- Negotiations and mediation, confidence-building measures
- Ethnic conflicts and identity
- International crises
- International and regional organizations and conflict resolution
- Security and international peace
- National security and national security
- Religion, conflict and peace
- Minorities and wars
- International affairs and relations
- International terrorism
- Military and security affairs
- Wars and Armed conflicts
- Wars and international politics
- Cold War
- War and peace
- Conflict management and crises.
- The causes of conflict and violence and its theories
- History and development of the science of strategic studies
- International and regional wars and conflicts
- Civil wars
- International Law and Conflict Resolution
Features & Charactaristics
Comprehensive Content
Extensive and Diverse Content
Digital Information Environment
Continuous Updating of Studies and Data

- Universities and institutions of higher education
- Research centers, strategic studies, and international affairs
- Institutes of Diplomatic Studies
- Digital Libraries
- Regional organizations concerned with conflict resolution and war
- Security and military institutions
- Ministries and institutions concerned with studies of extremism and terrorism