Media Studies & Social Networking Database
A database specialized in media studies, social networking, and new or digital media. Our content covers nearly all scientific journals, articles, university letters, books, book chapters, conference papers, reports, and scientific productions concerning various disciplines of media and communication, its development, and trends.

Main Key Points
Topics in new media, digital media, & social media communication.
It covers topics related to new media, its mediums, and types, in addition to mass communication, online social networks, videos, blogs, digital and multimedia technology, virtual media, and more.
Public Relations & Advertising Studies
Topics include public relations and crisis management, radio and television advertising, communication, advertising design and production, public opinion, preparation and implementation of advertising campaigns, preparation and implementation of public relations campaigns, conference management and protocols, and more.
Studies & Content Specialized in media & Audio-Visual Media
Covering topics including the art of delivering and interviewing on radio and television, news and advertisements on radio and television, the preparation, production, and output of radio and television programs, management of radio and television institutions, electronic editing and audio recording and
Research & Studies in the Field of Journalism
Including topics in writing, editing, and press articles, managing press organizations, investigations, press photography, press campaigns, electronic and digital journalism, specialized journalism, electronic editing, media skills, research methods in media studies, and others.
Content & Data Types
Arabic Reviews of Internationally Published Theses
Statistical Reports
Conference Papers & Proceedings
Books & Book Reviews
Arab Universities’ Letters & Theses
Specialized Scientific Journal Articles
Comprehensive coverage
- PR campaigns
- Press release
- General opinion surveys
- Electronic or digital press
- Interactive media
- Specialized media
- Protocols
- Social Responsibility
- Social networking platforms
- Media skills
- Websites
- Media institutions
- Content Analysis
- Sports media
- Community Media
- Multimedia Media
- Editorial editing
- Investigative studies
- Methods of Media Studies
- Media Legislation
- Press photography
- Digital media technology
- Mass communication
- Advertisement campaigns
- Campaigns and electronic advertising
- Corporate Communications
- Communication and Public Relations
- Press releases
- Digital content management
- Management of electronic media sites
- Management of conferences and symposia
- Radio and television
- Security and military information
- Educational Media
- New media
- Digital media
- Technology and Media
Features & Characteristics
Continuously Updated Database
Digital Information Environment
Comprehensive Content

- Universities and institutions of higher education.
- Colleges and institutes offering academic programs or training courses in journalism and media.
- The Departments of Public Speakers in Ministries and Governmental Institutions.
- Media departments in large institutions in the private sector.
- Media and press news agencies.
- Radio and television institutions.
- Research centers, studies and media consultations, and press.
- Public relations and publicity institutions.
- Electronic or digital media.
- Digital Libraries.