e-Marefa Indicators for Arab Scholarly Production
A comprehensive platform that provides and develops academic indicators to measure the output and academic publication in Arab academic and research journals. It also offers reliable academic data that contributes to understanding and analyzing the status, issues, and trends of research and academic publication in Arab academic and research journals. The data and results of these indicators are made available through an advanced digital platform.

What is e-Marefa indicators service
Scholarly indicators for measuring the output and academic publication in Arab academic and research journals.
Indicators for academic articles
Indicators for measuring the volume and trends of academic production through articles published in research or academic journals issued in Arab countries across various disciplines. These indicators cover approximately 500,000 full-text articles and are continuously updated on a monthly basis.
Indicators for research or academic journals
Indicators for measuring the volume and trends of academic output and publication through the descriptive data of Arab academic or research journals. These include a set of descriptive (bibliographic) data for approximately 5,000 Arab research journals across various disciplines.
The types of indicators that can be searched
The indicator includes six main indicators, each associated with a set of sub-indicators, totaling 51. The main indicators are:
–Subject Distribution Indicator:
Measures academic or research production based on the subject field or specialization.
–Linguistic Distribution Indicator:
Measures the linguistic distribution of Arabic academic journals and articles, including Arabic, English, and French languages.
–Geographic Distribution Indicator:
Includes indicators measuring Arab academic production according to the country of publication.
–Publishers Indicator:
Represents indicators of publishing entities.
–Time Coverage Indicator:
Includes measurements of Arab research production over specific time periods.
–General Indicators:
Measures the total Arab academic production based on a set of fundamental journal data.

Facts and figures
About the ‘e-Marefa’ Indicators for Arab Scholarly Production
Descriptive data analysis for approximately 5,000 Arabic academic and research journals
These indicators cover approximately 500,000 full-text Arabic articles
1,400 academic, university, research, professional bodies, publishing houses, and more in the Arab world
The features of academic production data in the indicator include
The features of the ‘e-Marefa’ Indicators for Arab scholarly production include:
Reliability and credibility
Coverage of academic production for all Arab countries published in academic journals
Extended and broad time period
The beneficiaries of the ‘e-Marefa’ indicator
- Decision-makers involved in planning, financing, and managing research and academic publication policies and innovation.
- Institutions and bodies concerned with the knowledge 0f the economy.
- Arab research and academic publishing institutions.
- Ministries and official bodies responsible for higher education and Arab culture.
- Researchers, experts, and university professors are involved in publication and academic research.
- Organizations and centers specializing in information studies and consultations.
- Digital libraries.