Goals of Initiative

Partners in Education and Development Initiative aims to build a true partnership with a range of the governmental institutions, international & regional development organizations, and private companies that are interested in supporting higher education and scientific research in addition to the dissemination of knowledge in Arab and Islamic society to achieve a set of goals, mainly:

  1. To offer companies and major Arab institutions the opportunity to contribute to the services of higher education and Arab knowledge which constitute essential elements in achieving sustainable development in the Arab and Islamic countries. This partnership or contribution is considered part of what is called “social responsibility”.
  2. To Support scientific research in the Arab and Islamic societies.
  3. To serve faculty staff members and students at Arab universities, by providing and facilitating free access to an Arabic digital content that is comprehensive and complete and covers all scientific disciplines.
  4. To support the first Arab unified system for the digitization of academic journals and theses published in the Arab world according to the international librarian standards of MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data.
  5. To reinforce the economy and society of knowledge in the Arab and Islamic worlds.
  6. To disseminate the Arab intellectual production and Islamic culture internationally.
  7. To support the health and medical sector in the Islamic & Arab world..