بنك "معرفة" للاقتصاد والتمويل الإسلامي

الأكثر شمولية، عالمية، وذكاءً

بنك معلومات متخصص يقدم محتوى عربي وعالمي ضخم، ومتكامل للاقتصاد والتمويل الإسلامي. ويحتوي على عشرات آلاف السجلات المتنوعة من أكثر من 500 مؤسسة في 56 دولة في العالم.

Academic Journals and Articles

The information bank provides a wide range of academic and research journals on the topics of Islamic economics and finance.

Annual and Quarterly Reports

The bank provides thousands of annual and quarterly reports for institutions operating in Islamic economics and finance from approximately 40 countries.

Financial Statements and Data

The bank provides, analyzes, and conducts financial comparisons among institutions operating in the field of Islamic economics and finance.

Statistical Reports

The information bank provides a collection of specialized statistical reports on the topics of Islamic economics and finance.

E-books and Book Reviews

The information bank contains thousands of e-books and book presentations in the topics of Islamic economics and finance.

Theses and University Dissertations

The bank provides the full texts of a large number of university theses on the topics of Islamic economics and finance.


The information bank contains comprehensive information about thousands of researchers, experts, and decision-makers in the field of Islamic economics and finance.

Religious Fatwas and Legal Decisions

The bank contains religious fatwas and legal decisions issued by Fiqh councils, Sharia supervisory bodies for banks, and official national fatwa authorities.

Concepts and Terminology

The bank contains thousands of the most important terms and concepts used in Islamic economics in three languages: Arabic, English, and French.

Policies, Fundamental Systems, and Governance

The bank provides information on the establishment and management systems of institutions in Islamic economics, as well as corporate governance documents.

Laws and Regulations

The bank provides monitoring and tracking of various laws and regulations that govern policies and practices related to Islamic economics and finance.

Institutions and Organizations

The bank provides detailed information about each organization and institution related to Islamic economics and finance in various countries around the world.


The bank provides comprehensive information about awards offered in the field of Islamic economics and finance.

Academic Programs and Training

It provides introductory information about all academic and professional programs dedicated to teaching subjects related to Islamic economics and finance.

Conference Proceedings and Research

The bank contains a collection of conference papers and conference proceedings data on the topics of Islamic economics and finance.