Conflict, Violence, & Peace Studies Database
The Database of Conflict, Violence, and Peace Studies is a specialized and unique Arabic database providing diverse scientific and research documents. Updated continuously, the database contains thousands of studies, articles, and other scientific documents.

Main Themes

- Concepts of Conflict and Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution.
- The emergence and development of the science of conflict and peace studies.
- Analysis of the causes of conflict, wars, and violence and its theories.
- Stages of conflict and violence development.
- Methods and means of conflict resolution, violence, and conflict resolution.
- Role of international and regional organizations in conflict resolution and peace.
- Prevention of conflict and violence and an early warning system.

Content & Data Types
Books and Book Reviews
Arab Universities Theses
Research Journal Articles
Arabic Reviews of Internationally Published Theses
Statistical Reports
Conference Papers & Proceedings
Features & Charactaristics
Extensive & Diverse Content
Digital Information Environment
Continuity of Content Addition & updates
Comprehensive Coverage
- International and regional organizations and conflict resolution
- Social, educational, and cultural conflicts
- Rooted and societal conflicts
- Means of force and conflict resolution
- Civil wars
- International and regional conflicts
- Scientific curricula in conflict and peace studies
- Types and levels of conflicts
- Domestic, religious, and political violence
- Resolution of political disputes
- International Law and Conflict Resolution
- Military power and conflict
- Stages and indicators of conflict and violence
- Concepts of peace (conservation and building of peace)
- Negotiations, mediation, and trust-building measures
- Diplomacy and conflict resolution
- Democracy, human rights and peace
- Religion, conflict, and peace
- Peace and Gender
- Ethnic conflicts and identity
- Water and environmental conflicts
- Transitional justice, security and peace
- Economic sanctions, conflict management and resolution
- Education, development, and peace
- Conflict and crisis management
- International crises
- The theories on causes of conflict and violence
- Weapons of mass destruction and arms control
- The media and conceptions of peace
- Human and collective security
- Homeland security
- Early warning systems for conflict and violence

- Universities and Higher Education Institutions.
- Research Centers and Strategic Studies.
- Arbitration and Legal Dispute Resolution Centers.
- Centers and Institutes for Social, Educational, and Cultural Studies.
- Digital Libraries.
- Civil Society Organizations Concerned with Social Peace and Non-Violence.
- Regional Arab Organizations Concerned with Political, Social, and Legal Conflict Resolution.
- Security and Military Institutions.
- Ministries and Institutions Concerned with Extremism and Terrorism Studie