Social & Charitable Work and Endowments Database
This database provides a huge amount of information for researchers, practitioners, decision-makers, and those interested in social and charitable work and endowments.

Charitable and relief work
Content relating to the concept and pillars of charitable and relief work, including the types and means of implementation, the ways individuals may contribute, issues of Waqf, and social solidarity. Common discussions include the definition of charities, their roles and community function, and the obstacles faced by charitable work in all its forms. Also provided are studies on crisis and disaster management, including refugee, displacement, and relief issues.
Volunteer work
Research and studies dealing with volunteering in terms of its concept, objectives, stages, and implementation, as well as the factors of success of voluntary work and the basic principles on which volunteerism is based, as well as the values, commitments, and ethics of volunteers themselves. Common discussions include the management of voluntary programs and obstacles to volunteer work, among many more.
Methods in community development and organization
Methods in community development and organization, how social planning, management of social organizations, general social work skills, social legislation, volunteer social work, and evaluation of social projects, play a role in achieving progress through social development and increasing social welfare.
Methods & Principles of Social and charitable work
Social and charitable work, principles, fields, methods, theories, and applications in solving the problems of individuals or groups, as well as ways of developing societies and finding mutual ground between individuals and their social environments. In addition to practicing social service and charity work alone or working with an organization.
Content & Data Types
The Social & Charitable Work and Endowments database provides a variety of sources, forms of studies, and research such as

- Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- Specialized Scientific Journal Articles
- Arabic University Theses
- Books and Book Reviews
- Conference Papers and Proceedings
- Statistical Reports
- Arabic Reviews of International Theses

Comprehensive Coverage
The database ‘Social & Charitable Work and Endowments’ covers multiple topics such as
- Arab and Islamic community
- Developing societies
- Women and society
- Social problems
- The Ethical Charter of Social Action
- Displacement and asylum
- Issues and theories of poverty and unemployment
- Migration in Contemporary Societies
- Communication and clinical skills
- Social legislation
- Social change
- Social Welfare Work
- Social work in rehabilitation centers
- Social work with youth
- Social work with the elderly
- Relief work and humanitarian work
- Volunteer work
- Charitable work
- Globalization and Society
- Social thought
- Contemporary social issues (violence and terrorism/peace and conflict resolution / ethnic relations / civil peace)
- Social settings
- Sociology of work
- Sociology (medical – religious – political – clinical – economic – industrial – urban – communication – education)
- Urban sociology
- Social work
- Family social work
- Voluntary social work
- Development and issues of underdevelopment
- Social Welfare
- Social conflict
- Social solidarity
- Technology and society
- Endowment
- Development and socialization
- Crime, delinquency, and social control
- Associations, charitable organizations, and voluntary work
- Social advocacy campaigns
- Serving the individual and society
- General opinion
- Media and Society
- Management of social organizations and institutions
- Crisis and disaster management
- Social Statistics
- Humanitarian relief
- Family and Community
- Social relief
- Anthropology
- Deviation and social control
- Planning and social policies
- Zakat and Islamic Endowments
Features & Charactaristics
The database Social & Charitable Work and Endowments is characterized by the following
Accurate Scientific Data on Charitable & Relief Work
Essential for Voluntary Work
Essential for Social Service Strategies
Digital Information Environment

- Universities and institutions of higher education
- Research centers in various fields of social service
- Charity organizations
- Civil society organizations concerned with social work
- Institutions working in the field of social and psychological services
- Welfare institutions and social and relief services
- Ministries of Social Development
- Social Support and Support Centers
- Regional and international social organizations
- Government officials concerned with the population
- Institutions concerned with youth, women, and children issues

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