It is a research service that provides a unique and distinct set of data and criteria to assist authors or researchers in selecting distinguished and top-ranked Arabic-language academic journals for publishing their research or studies, based on their relevant field of specialization.

“Where to Publish My Research?” from “e-Marefa” helps you easily discover the journals to which you can connect your research within three simple steps.
Enter the research data
Review the journals
Select the journal and get to know its details

What criteria does this service use?
The process of selecting and choosing academic journals for publishing articles is based on academic criteria and accurate, reliable real data with quantitative indicators. Therefore, it is an objective, academic, and professional process that is far removed from personal impressions and self-assessment not based on methodological foundations.
These criteria and data greatly assist in selecting a distinguished scientific journal with a reputable and high-quality status, and a high ranking, in the field of research, based on a set of criteria and indicators, which include the following:
First: Arab Citation & Impact factor Arcif
Second: The journal’s category (Q) ranking within its field of specialization.
- First category (Q1) (Top category)
- Second category (Q2) (High Middle category)
- Third category (Q3) (Middle category)
- Fourth category (Q4) (Low category)
Thirdly: The number of citations the journal has received.
Fourthly: The self-citation rate of the journal.
Fifthly: The average time it takes for articles to be published in the journal.
Sixthly: The nature of the classification of the journal’s publisher:
(Publishers could be universities, research centers, scientific societies, information institutions, etc.)
Service Outputs
– Enhanced Journal Selection: Authors can make better-informed decisions in choosing the appropriate and scientifically distinguished Arabic scientific journal in their field of specialization. This improves their chances of publishing their research and increases its visibility, accessibility, and citation.
– Improved Journal Ranking: The service aids in improving the ranking and classification (Rank) of scientific journals, universities, and authors in the field of academic publishing and scientific research within the Arab world.
Service Features
– Recommending suitable journals based on reliable data and objective academic criteria.
– Providing comprehensive details about the recommended journals.
– The ability to select or identify the most influential Arabic journals and those with high standing and top categories in the field.
– Filtering/choosing journals according to various options such as the country of publication, the publisher entity, the journal’s category rank, the average time for article publication, the journal’s publication format, and other options.
– Offering guiding or explanatory questions for consideration before submitting an article.
– User-friendly interface for ease of use.
The service offers the ability to search through more than 600 academic journals published in the Arabic language, originating from 27 countries around the world. These include, for example, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, the United States, Turkey, Malaysia, Morocco, Oman, Bahrain, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Kuwait, and other Arab and foreign countries.
Research Centers
Institutions and Academic Publishing Committees
Scientific Research Bodies
Authors and Researchers
Graduate Students
Those Interested in Arabic Academic Publishing
Targeted Audiences
Many individuals, institutions, and those interested in publishing and academic research can benefit from the service, including but not limited to:
Where to publish my research?
Would you like to get a trial account for the “Where to publish my research?” service, a research service that provides a unique and distinctive set of data and criteria? Contact us now.