The Women’s Studies Database

A specialized database in women’s affairs and contemporary issues, offering a wide and diverse range of studies and research that address feminist issues, women’s empowerment, and the enhancement of their role in society. This database also allows for an understanding of the role and status of women and their relationships with various components of society.

Main Key Points

Contemporary Women’s Issues and Problems

Content regarding the cultural, social, economic, and political issues, problems, and challenges facing women in contemporary societies, in addition to the locally and regionally implemented policies and programs aimed at improving the status of women on various levels.

Feminist Theories and Movements

Research that reviews the most important feminist ideas and theories worldwide, their connections to social movements, and their impact on societies. It also aims to identify the advocacy and reform movements that seek to change the status of women globally.

The Issues of Feminism and Women’s Empowerment

Studies specializing in reviewing the conceptual framework of women’s studies, as well as the evolution of women’s status in societies, and their cultural and humanitarian role in community building. It also includes research on women’s participation in and contributions to various sectors and professions.

The Status of Women and Their Role in Divine Legislation

Studies addressing the status of women and their role in religions and divine laws, as well as the relationship between forms of discrimination against women and the religious objectives that call for achieving justice on Earth.


Women’s Rights in Local and International Laws and Agreements

Content that presents the legal perspectives of women’s rights in societies and their application in various fields, as well as discussions on the status of women in treaties, agreements, and resolutions of international conferences related to women’s rights.

Women and Family, Childhood, and Motherhood Issues

Data that address topics related to motherhood, childhood, community health activities, and the provision of comprehensive care for newborns, postnatal services, and family planning for women.

Content & Data Types

The ‘Women’s Studies’ database offers diverse sources and forms of studies and research.

Arab Reviews of International Theses

Statistical Reports

Conference Papers & Proceedings

Books & Book Reviews

Arab Universities Theses & Dissertations

Specialized Scientific Journals Articles

Comprehensive Coverage

The subject coverage of the “Women’s Studies” database includes a wide range of topics.

N Women and Family

N Feminist Projects

N Feminist Writing

N Women and Motherhood

N Women and Leadership


N Women’s Health and Reproductive Issues

N Women and Personal Status Laws

N Women in Islamic Culture

N Women and Religions

N Women in History

N Women and Political Participation

N Feminist Movements

N Women and Refugee Issues

N Gender Equality and Discrimination Against Women

N Women’s Employment and Unemployment

N Women and Business

N Feminist Political Thought

N Women in Media and Communication

N Women in Literature and Culture

Features & Characteristics

Comprehensive and Diverse Content

Digital Information Environment

Continuity of Adding and Updating in Studies and Data


N Universities and Higher Education Institutions

N National, Arab, and International Digital Libraries

N Civil Society Organizations Specialized in Women’s Work

N Arab Women’s Organizations and Federations

N Official National and Arab Women’s Councils

N Associations Advocating for Family and Women’s Rights, as well as Human Rights Organizations

N Ministries of Social Development

N Social Support and Assistance Authorities and Centers

N Women’s Studies and Research Centers

N Regional and International Social Organizations

NRegional and International Women’s Organizations

N Human Rights Bodies